February 2,2025 
Presentation of the Lord (Luke 2:22-40)

     What is the secret to sharing in God’s power to overcome our difficulties? Mary teaches us this in the prophecy of her pierced heart. This Sunday, the old man Simeon prophecies that when her son faces opposition, Mary’s soul will be pierced by a sword. The seemingly pointless agony of a mother helplessly watching her son be mocked, tortured, killed and then cruelly desecrated in death by a spear — somehow this piercing of her heart releases a power by which “the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed” (Luke 2:35). What to make of this?

      Whatever problems we currently face, the deepest threat is finally that evil thoughts are hidden in the human heart: hatred, envy, pride, lust, greed and so on. Behind every tyrant’s injustice, for example, is a heart unpierced by love. Evil hides in our hearts. Mary’s pierced heart, and its suffering love for her son, reveals and scatters these evil thoughts, and replaces them with love, forgiveness, generosity and peace.

      This week, I invite us to ponder Mary’s pierced heart. Her heart is quietly at work for us in the Church and world, exposing our evil thoughts and making a path for her son’s divine love. This is how she gently cooperates in our salvation. Closed hearts are our biggest problem; love-pierced hearts are the ultimate power to overcome every difficulty.

— Father John Muir ©LPi


January 19. 2025 
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time John 2:1-12

     A friend invited me to an invitation-only wine-tasting event. There were over two hundred varieties of wine. Having no idea how to approach such a massive selection, I wandered aimlessly among the tables, sipping this and that. At the end of the evening my friend asked if I had tried some of the exceptionally expensive wines. I hadn’t. “The really good stuff disappears first,” he said. “My man, you missed out on some amazing vino.” I was so disappointed. I wasted my chance for amazing once-in-a-lifetime wine. The wine I tasted was, well, blah.

     Don’t we often feel a similar disappointment in life? I missed this or that opportunity. If only I had known. Optimism sputters and fades. The glory days are gone. The chances, it seems, for the really great things in life come and go so quickly. Then they are gone forever. The good stuff goes first. Then life is just blah.

     Not so with the Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ miracle at the wedding at Cana, the steward of the feast says, “Everyone serves good wine first, and then…an inferior one” (John 2:10). That’s the natural downward progression of life. The good stuff disappears quickly. But he says of the groom (who symbolizes Jesus), “But you have kept the good wine until now.” This is the ever-improving trajectory of the realm of God’s grace. With Jesus, the “good wine” of divine love, hope and peace gets better as our journey of faith progresses. Where are your greatest disappointments? Don’t give in to the lie that the really good stuff is gone. Tell Jesus you’ve run out. Then learn how to taste that amazingly good wine, because he saves the best until now

___ Father John Muir ©LPi 

January 12. 2025 
The Baptism of the Lord

Luke 3:15-16, 21-22

      In my second year of theology studies, I went o confession to a priest visiting the seminary for a three-day retreat. My heart wasn’t in it. I was going through the motions. I confessed my sins and waited for his response. The priest said, “For your penance, I’d like you to go into the chapel and repeat the words ‘You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased’ (Luke 3:22) until they mean something to you.”

      Easy penance, I thought. But to my surprise, I struggled to say those words. I sensed a strong interior resistance blocking them. How could God be well-pleased with me? He couldn’t be, I thought. A battle within me ensued. Two hours later, the resistance vanished, and I found myself able to speak, and claim as my own, those marvelous lords. I emerged from the chapel with a new, deep, peaceful conviction that I was indeed God’s beloved son.

     Those words are a precious gift from heaven to all of us. Jesus’ baptism, which we celebrate this week, offers them to us. Are we willing to receive these words anew? Many things can block this deepening of our baptismal identity: failings, sins, appointments, traumas, problems, and so on. Yet God’s love is always greater. This week I challenge you to prayerfully repeat these words over yourself — or perhaps over someone you’re struggling to love — until those words find a home in your heart.

— Father John Muir ©LPi

December 29, 2024 
Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

The Holy Family

     As a first-time pastor in a parish, I received a phone call one afternoon from a young married couple, “Father, our 2-year-old son drowned in our pool this morning. We are at the hospital. Please help us.” I sped over. The little boy was gone, his body cold, slightly blue, laid out on a bed. His parents were distraught and in shock. For the next few years, I walked with the couple along their difficult and painful road. They openly shared with me how they were often tempted to blame and accuse each other for the loss. And yet, by God’s grace, their love for each grew stronger and deeper as the years went by.

     The Holy Family was not without its pain and loss, either. Luke tells us, after losing their twelve-year-old son, Joseph and Mary “after three days found him in the temple area, sitting among the teachers…” (Luke 2:46). We don’t know specifically what those three days were like for them except for what Mary says: “Your father and I have been looking for you anxiously.” The three days of his absence foreshadow his death and burial. His finding in the temple is a kind of resurrection for his family. They had to learn, again and again, that their family was becoming a place where death and resurrection was not only accepted but welcomed and celebrated. But surely, they deeply felt the dangerous agony of their loss — just like every couple who has lost a child.

     What losses in your experience of family still cause you anxiety? In what ways has God’s presence seemingly vanished in your family? Will you keep searching for Jesus? Remember, he will rise and be found. Your family may be suffering, but when he is found, it will be stronger than ever before.

— Father John Muir

December 22, 2024 
4th Sunday of Advent

     The Blessed Virgin teaches us the secret to being blessed, happy, and full of joy. When Elizabeth, her cousin, greets her, she calls Mary “blessed” for two reasons, her motherhood of Jesus, and Our Lady’s belief that “there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord” (Luke 1:45). Mary is “blessed” entirely because of her relationship to the Incarnation of God in Jesus, and for no other. This of course makes perfect sense, because as the Lord, as God-in-the-flesh, her son is the source of all blessedness, life, and joy. Mary is blessed because of her contact with Jesus, and by her faith in him.

     So, it is with us, too. We become blessed by our “motherly” contact with Christ in our souls through baptism. He lives in us and grows to maturity within us. We bear him to the world. This requires unshakeable faith that his promises to us will be fulfilled, despite all the problems and difficulties that plague us. We become blessed, happy, and joyful in the measure that we are in contact with Jesus and trust in him.

     Advent challenges: (1.) This week go to someone who has borne the love of Jesus to you and tell her or him how they have been a blessing to you. (2.) Name someone in your life now to whom God has sent you to bring Jesus’ presence. Pray: “Lord, thank you for the blessing of sending me to bring your presence to this person. Help me bear you faithfully to him/her.”

— Father John Muir

December 15, 2024 
3rd Sunday of Advent

     On a bright Spring morning, a passerby once saw St. Francis of Assisi hoeing a row of beans and asked him, “What would you be doing right now if you knew this was the last day of your earthly life?” The Saint responded, “I’d keep hoeing this row of beans.” Preparing for this world to end — whether by our death or by Jesus’ glorious coming — invites us to live not in the past or the present, but deeply in the present moment.

     This same point is on display in the simple advice given by the wild and eccentric John the Baptist. He speaks of the one who is to come who will baptize “with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Luke 3:16). Despite the bizarre awesomeness of this announcement, he tells his listeners to engage in the present moment with simple acts of justice and love as their preparation for Jesus’ coming, sharing their clothes and food, eliminating greedy and underhanded practices, being content with their wages. It’s so undramatic. But how many actually did it? We don’t know. How many of us will commit ourselves to these types of humble and demanding practices in our lives? That’s what we should be doing now in our present moment, not worrying about the future.

      Advent challenge: Name one way you are doing the bare minimum towards others in your daily life. Or name something you are doing because you are not content with your financial situation. Pray: “Jesus, if it is your will, help me to stop doing these things this week. Help me prepare for your coming.” Then make the appropriate changes.

— Father John Muir

December 8, 2024 
2nd Sunday of Advent

      In the year 1995, in the seventeenth year of my life, when Fife Symington was governor of Arizona, Bill Clinton was president of the United States, Chuck Keiffer was pastor of St. Theresa parish in Phoenix, Arizona, and Ron and Mary were my parents, the word of God came to my youth minister Eric and through him I started to see the salvation of God. Soon, Christ came into my life never to leave. I’m thankful beyond words.

     Why am I being so specific, you ask? Because in the Gospel this week we hear the specific names of people holding civic and religious authority in first century Palestine when “the word of God came to John the Baptist:” Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate, Herod, Philip, Lysanias, Annas, Caiaphas, and Zechariah. All this is meant to help us see that God breaks into our history, into real human events. Jesus is no mere myth. He is the Word-which-breaks-in, in concrete moments, you might say. And now we anticipate his coming once again in our specific situations.

     Advent challenge: Name as many civic and religious leaders who are in authority currently in your life. Now, name who the potential John the Baptists may be. A spouse? A friend? A podcaster? A work colleague who brings God’s word to you? Spend a moment considering that this comprises the concrete, historical setting into which Christ wishes to come. Then, with these specifics in mind, pray: “Come, Lord Jesus. Come.”

— Father John Muir

December 1, 2024 
1st Sunday of Advent

     When I was a young priest, about one year after ordination, I was called to the hospital to anoint a dying mother of three young children. She had a painful, terminal cancer. After celebrating Last Rites with her, I said, “Don’t be afraid.” She looked me square in the eye from her hospital bed and said, “Oh Father, I am in a lot of pain, but I am not afraid. Something wonderful is about to happen.” A few days later she died.

      Christians face the ending of our personal various “worlds” in a totally unique way. This first Sunday of Advent, Jesus says that when people see their world falling apart, they find themselves “fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world” (Luke 21:26). In our fear, our natural response is to check out, to hide our heads in drunkenness, distraction, and false securities. But Jesus commands us to “look up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” He then compares what’s coming to a lovely summer in full bloom. That’s what the cross and resurrection empower us to do, as strange as it may seem. 

     Advent challenge: What world in your life is collapsing? A relationship, a dream, a work opportunity? Maybe you’re troubled by a crumbling world in the political or economic sphere. Or maybe someone you love is seriously ill or dying. Name that world or worlds. Then pray: “Lord, help me to not faint with fear. Help me to raise my head and see your redemption coming.” 

— Father John Muir 

November 24, 2024 
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

      When I was a young boy in Burlington, Vermont, my dad had a good friend named Phil who owned a sporting goods store. I loved sports, so meandering the treasure-filled aisles was an unmitigated joy. One afternoon, we were shopping for a baseball glove. Dad said to me, “Hey Johnny, see that man who just walked into the store? That’s Phil.” I remember being fascinated and a little terrified. I recall thinking, “That man right there is in charge of everything in this store!” He reigned over every ball, Sneaker, jersey, and sweatsuit. Phil became a family friend. And he was a good owner. The store flourished, and I found myself even more at peace every time I went there. I felt a new hope and even responsibility for the store to flourish.

     To say that Christ is the King of the Universe means that Jesus has absolute authority over everything in it. It should fill us with awe and fascination. He is in charge. The world and everything in it are finally his. Knowing that he knows and loves us should make us also feel a deep peace at being a part of his universe. This leads us to want his kingdom to flourish, to play some responsible role in it.

     We advance his kingdom by promoting the truth. “Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice,” Christ the King proclaims. In Phil’s store, it was about the truth of athletics. In our world, it’s all about the truth of all creation, especially the dignity of the human person, made by and for our loving God. Let’s rejoice that we know the true king and commit to the flourishing of his kingdom.

— Father John Muir

November 17, 2024 
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deacon Ken’s Homily for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Times

     The word is Eschatology Eschatology, “simply means last.” What’s the “big deal” about the end times? The “big deal” is that Jesus is coming back to get us. All the rest of the end time things don’t matter. Why should we be Concerned about fires, floods, wars and such, because in the end God Wins!” If we are right with God, we win too! So, our focus on the end times then should be that we endure through the bad stuff and celebrate as we prepare to meet Jesus who is coming to save us.

     There are many passages in scripture that give us hope during the end times. Here are a few. God is love. (1 John 7) God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Do not fear. (Isaiah 41:10) do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

God knows all about you. God values you. (Luke 12:7) But even the hairs of your head are all counted. Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows. God will never leave us. (Hebrews 13:5) For he has said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” There are three parables in the Gospel of Luke that describes just how far God will go to keep us close to him. Remember the Parable of the Lost Sheep? The Shepherd has one hundred sheep, and one wanders off. The shepherd leaves the ninety-nine to search and find the lost one. When he returns home, he asks his family and friends to rejoice with him. What about the woman who lost one of her ten silver coins? She lit a light swept and cleaned until she found the lost coin. When she had found it, she called together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.’ And lastly, The Parable of the Prodigal Son A man who had two sons. The younger son took his share of the property that belonged to him. He left town and traveled to a distant country, and there he squandered his property in dissolute living. When he had spent everything, a severe famine took place throughout that country, and he began to be in need. Tired of the destitute life he was living, he got up and went home. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. The father said to his servants, ‘Quickly, bring out a robe—the best one and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. And get the fatted calf and kill it and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!’ And they began to celebrate. Today, God is patiently waiting for us to return to him. He wants to forgive us and even when we have turned our backs to him, He searches for us, and when he finds us, He tells us: “I will love you, always” He wants us to return to the fold where we are safe from harm. He doesn’t want us lost and not found. He’s looking for us today, and when we return to him, there will be a great celebration. So, what do we have to fear about this great tribulation? The answer is…Nothing! When Jesus returns, God will make his dwelling among us. He will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for all these things shall pass away. If we do our part and keep our souls clean through the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation, we have nothing to fear.

Deacon Ken Stewart

November 17, 2024 
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

      I recently moved into a new neighborhood. On my first evening I went grocery shopping and could not find my usual favorite Greek yogurt. Strangely, my heart started to race. All the losses of my previous life hit me. So many of my old friends, habits, comforts, and predictable experiences had fallen away. There I stood, a grown man, crying like a little boy whose world was falling apart in the dairy aisle.

     This week, Jesus describes what to do when one world ends, and another begins. Does it apply to the end of time? Yes. Does it apply to the end of our individual lives? Yes. It also applies to every “world” we inhabit throughout our lives, in school, family, friendships, work, play and so on. First, the sun, moon, and stars fall. The old, familiar ways of running things suddenly stop working. Light fades. Things fall apart. It’s awful. But, second, Christ comes “in the clouds.” Jesus, the Son of Man, replaces those old powers with himself as the prime governing principle. Third, he sends out his angels to “gather his elect from the four winds.” He re-integrates the fragments into a new integrated whole. “Summer is near,” he concludes. A new world begins.

Is your world crumbling? Are your sun, moon, and stars falling from the sky? Learn to discern the pattern of the Cross and Resurrection at work in it. This is the power we touch in the Mass. Jesus is coming precisely in this transition from the old to the new world. It doesn’t make our losses easy. But it does make it possible to glimpse the dawning of a summer, a new beginning, the life of the world to come.

— Father John Muir


November 10, 2024 
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

      Once at an evening Mass as a poor college student, the collection basket was fast approaching, and I only had a ten-dollar bill. I was planning on using that to buy my favorite Chipotle burrito that night for dinner. Should I keep the money? Who would know if I did? If I gave it away, what would I eat? Would I be, okay? I kissed my future burrito goodbye, dropped the money in the basket, and winced. But strangely, the rest of the Mass I felt more engaged than usual. I had skin in the game. I left the Mass excited to see how God would take care of me. And he did, in amazing ways.

       When the poor widow places two copper coins in the temple treasury, Jesus doesn’t pity her. He praises her. He blesses her. He brags about her. He celebrates her as the temple’s largest benefactor. Her giving is an act of radical, concrete trust in God. It is as if she is entering a new level of giving that excites Jesus, because she contributes not out of her abundance, but she gives “everything she had.”

      What a challenge this is to each one of us! How easy it is to ignore this! But imagine the eruption of the energy of faith, hope, and love that would be unlocked if our financial sacrifices to the Church actually tapped into daily bread and not only our disposable income. I challenge us to try this in some way this coming week and see what happens in our hearts. Even if it costs us a burrito.

— Father John Muir

November 3, 2024 
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

     Americans have long been fascinated with public debates. Farmers stood in muddy fields for hours to hear Lincoln and Douglas dispute each other in the 1860 presidential run-up. The televised debate between Kennedy and Nixon in 1960 fascinated the nation. These days, cable news outlets and social media parse every word spoken by candidates. We still love seeing public, rational disputes in the service of our nation.

     In his day, Jesus also captured attention as a public debater. Mark tells us, “And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, ‘Which commandment is the first of all?’” Jesus’ brief but all-encompassing response is the double command to love God and neighbor. Notice that he includes the importance of loving God with “all your mind.” Loving God is not simply a question of affection, loyalty, good deeds, and religious dedication. It demands honest and intense intellectual engagement — just like an accomplished debater.

     How do we do this practically? One simple way is by embracing ourselves as life-long learners. Setting aside time for reading, book studies, online classes, and, perhaps most difficult, engaging in open, honest, and curious conversation with those who think differently from us. These are all great ways to love God with our minds. Our country and our Church depend greatly on souls who love God in this way with their minds. Let’s commit to loving God with all our minds in tireless pursuit of truth.

— Father John Mui

October 20, 2024 
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

     From a young age, I loved winning at sports. I confess that winning was a bit of an addiction. It was probably coming from a deep desire for attention and affirmation from others. Nevertheless, it was a driving motivation for me. Baseball, soccer, track, table tennis, and whatever else I could find was a chance to win. Competition was my obsession.

     Another John, and his brother James, demonstrate a kind of wildly competitive obsession when they dare to say to Jesus: “Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory” (Mark 10:37). Their audacity arouses an indigent reaction from the other apostles, who are clearly raw that these two are out to win the highest spots.

     How does Jesus respond to us in our desires for greatness? The same way he does to James and John. He does not criticize them for their desire for glory. But he does highlight their ignorance (“you do not know what you are asking.”). Then he invites them to be champions of true greatness: by drinking not the cup of worldly victory, but his cup of self-giving suffering love, to be the “slave of all.” The true winners are slaves of love. This week, dare to tell Jesus what your ambitions truly are. Hear him call you to an even greater victory.

— Father John Muir